C# Variables

Effective Use of C# Variables in Pivot Strategy Analysis

Effective User of C# Variables in PivotStrategyAnalysis

This video describes a variety of effective ways to use C# variables within the PivotStrategyAnalysis to quickly change parameters with instant feedback. It also explains how to use C# variables within a custom indicator to filter trades by day of week, and to ignore trades for the first few days of the chart.

Chart Variables - C# Variables

Chart Variables - C# Variables

This video discusses a new concept introduced in Investor/RT 12.2: Chart Variables or C# Variables. Unlike User Variables (V#1,...V#512), Chart Variables are not associated with a specific instrument (ticker) but with a specific chart. The RTL language and indicator setup dialogs support these C# variables, C#1,...C#32. Chart variables may be used in the same places as V# variables are, typically as variables/periods within indicator settings.