
Colors (RTX) Introduction

Colors (RTX) Introduction

The Colors Indicator is designed to feed the Profiles Indicator custom colors and/or custom letters for TPOs. Up to 50 colors and letters may be customized. When the Letters option of the Profile Indicator is turned on and lsColors is chosen for the colors, the Profile Indicator will then pull the colors and letters from the lsColors indicator in the same chart (if present). If 10 colors are specified in the Colors indicator, but there are more than 10 TPOs in a profile, the color wrap back around and the 11th TPO would use the 1st color, 12th TPO would use the 2nd color, etc.

Colors (RTX)

The Colors RTX Extension is designed to supply the Profile Indicator with custom colors and/or custom letters for drawing TPOs. Up to 50 colors and letters may be customized.