
Running an Efficient Investor/RT

This video demonstrates ways users can ensure that they are running Investor/RT as efficiently as possible based on their needs. Recommended for users having lag, slowness or unresponsiveness.

Using MPD Efficiently (Mixed Periodicity Data)

Using MPD Efficiently (Mixed Periodicity Data)

Anyone using MPD in any context should watch this video. This video demonstrates how to make the most efficient use of the MPD (Mixed Periodicity Data) indicator, which can be extremely inefficient without the use of the special method.

Tips - An Efficient Investor/RT

When you first installed Investor/RT, it was lean and mean, but after a year or two of use, dozens of imported charts, tinkering with 100s of settings, all while volume increased 5-fold, things have become sluggish. It's always good to pause and review your setup from time to time. A minor adjustment can make a world of difference.

A more efficient Investor/RT