reference lines

Reference Lines in 12.6

Reference Lines in 12.6

This video demonstrates several exciting new features added to the Reference Line Indicator in Investor/RT 12.6. First, users may now pin the start of any reference line to any given bar and drag and drop the starting point of the line to any given bar and price combination or use the mouse-wheel or keyboard to manipulate price or start bar. Also, reference lines bands were improved to allow filled bands between any two prices as well as filled bands both above and below the reference line each with their own unique height.

Reference Lines: Custom Positioning and Width

Reference Lines: Custom Positioning and Width

This video demonstrates a new option available for Reference Lines in 12.2 which allows users to customize the positioning and width of each line. The Horizontal Reference Line indicator provides a great deal of flexibility with respect to the horizontal span of the drawn line. Formerly, a "Compact" option was available to limit the drawing of the line to the area between the right-most bar and the right scale. This check box has been replaced by a "Line Position" check box. When this box is checked, the user has the option to limit the drawn line to Compact, Margin, Bars, All.

More Mixing Periodicities

More Mixing Periodicities

This video demonstrates how to plot the any indicators current value from any chart, on any other chart. In our example, we plotted the daily Volatility Stop on a 3-minute chart as a horizontal reference line.

Sharing Reference Lines: Linking Lines Among Multiple Charts with User Variables

This video demonstrates how to add reference lines to multiple charts of the same instrument which are linked to a common price using User Variables (V#). Users may drag a line in one chart and the lines in the other chart will adjust accordingly. Users may also change the price to which the reference lines are attached easily using a button in the chart of a column in a Quotepage.

Alerts on Indicators via Reference Lines

This video demonstrates how to place alerts on indicators within charts using the Reference Line indicator. These alerts trigger when the indicators reach specific price levels. Alerts can automatically reset on each bar and can be configured to alert when crossing above, below, or both.

Fill Lines

Fill Lines

This video quickly covers the control of the fill line and working order reference line in the trading integration of Investor/RT.

Reference Line

The Reference Line indicator draws a horizontal line on the displayed chart according to the preferences of the user. The line can be drawn according to a trading value on a particular day, an alarm value, or an arbitrary value of the user's choosing. This tool may be used repeatedly to overlay several reference lines on a given chart. Using the mouse you may drag a reference line to adjust its reference value . The value is based upon where the tip of the mouse is positioned when you "drop" the reference line.

Reference Line Bands

Reference Line Bands

This video demonstrates how to use the horizontal reference line bands feature, combined with the button indicator, to quickly drop down horizontal strips of specific heights in multi-pane charts.
