Reference Lines: Custom Positioning and Width

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This video demonstrates a new option available for Reference Lines in 12.2 which allows users to customize the positioning and width of each line. The Horizontal Reference Line indicator provides a great deal of flexibility with respect to the horizontal span of the drawn line. Formerly, a "Compact" option was available to limit the drawing of the line to the area between the right-most bar and the right scale. This check box has been replaced by a "Line Position" check box. When this box is checked, the user has the option to limit the drawn line to Compact, Margin, Bars, All. Choosing the "Compact" option provides the same "Compact" behavior as in prior releases. The "Margin" option is similar to "Compact", drawing only in the area right of rightmost bar. "Bars" limits the drawing to the area left of Margin, overlapping the bars. "All" encompasses the full horizontal chart region from left edge to the right scale. When either "Margin", "Bars", or "All" is chosen, there are further options to draw the lines across a subset of that area on the "Left", "Right", "Center", or "Full". The width may be specified in units of "Pixels", "%", or "Bars". For example, if position is setup as "Margin: Left: 50: Pixels" then the line is drawn from the left edge of the Margin extending right 50 pixels. Choosing "Bars: Full" would draw the line across all bars. Choosing "Bars: Right: 10: Bars" would draw the line across the rightmost 10 bars.