
Sharing Charts and Layouts


Sharing to charthub is no longer supported. Instead, you can export your charts directly to and make them either private or public using Linnsoft Chartshare.
Learn More

This video highlights the ability to share charts, quotepages, and layouts through or through text definition files.

Sharing Reference Lines: Linking Lines Among Multiple Charts with User Variables

This video demonstrates how to add reference lines to multiple charts of the same instrument which are linked to a common price using User Variables (V#). Users may drag a line in one chart and the lines in the other chart will adjust accordingly. Users may also change the price to which the reference lines are attached easily using a button in the chart of a column in a Quotepage.

Sharing QuoteBoard Levels - Master User

Sharing QuoteBoard Levels - Master User

This video demonstrates the process of sharing key prices among a group of user. This video is for the one user that will be responsible for updating the values/levels each day.

Sharing Preferences

Sharing Investor/RT Charts on more

New in version 12.5, Investor/RT Chart Share enables you to share charts and definitions both publicly and privately.


As of May, 2018, sharing to charthub is no longer supported.