
Feed Status

The Data Feed Status window updates continuously (every 5 seconds) and indicates whether the feed is active or inactive. When data is being received, the Packets Received value increases. feedstatus

Default Vs Instance Preferences

Several object types in Investor/RT, namely Charts and QuotePages, have preferences which specify how the objects should appear and behave. For example, the QuotePages have a preference for Background Color, among others. For the purpose of our discussion of the distinction between Default and Instance Preferences, I will use the QuotePage Background Color.

Data Retention, Symbol Monitoring Options

This is one of the least understood yet most important aspects of Investor/RT. Each symbol that you add to Investor/RT has monitoring properties and data retention properties that control how Investor/RT collects and retains historical data on the symbol. You may choose to collect every tick (trade) that comes in on your symbol and maintain them all for later analysis, or you may just choose to view the prices as the ticks come in, and then discard the data.

Confirming Trades

When a pending order is confirmed as done or canceled, use the Confirm Trades button on the main toolbar to bring up the Order Confirmation window. Identify the order by selecting it with the mouse, fill in the quantity filled, the price per unit, commission amount, and confirmation id.


Bar Charts

A bar shows a vertical line representing the high to low trading range for the bar. Tick marks on the left and right side of the vertical bar mark the open and closing price of the bar. Daily, weekly, and monthly bars are color coded with an up color or down color based on whether the closing price of the bar is higher or lower than the closing price of the prior bar.

