ChartTradingDOM (RTX)

ChartTradingDOM an RTX extension available to all Investor/RT subscribers. To invoke the DOM, right-click in any multi-pane chart and choose Trade... The ChartTradingDOM is a price ladder supporting single click in the Buy or Sell column to place limit/stop orders at specific prices. Buttons are provided for entering a position at the market or at the present bid or asked price. Current position status and PnL are shown beneath the DOM. Click the PnL to cycle though various presentations of PnL (ticks, $, %, etc.). Working orders can be dragged up/down the price ladder and dropped to revise the working order stop or limit price. Work order quantity can be revised by clicking an edit button. Automated order management (auto placement of profit target and stop loss orders) is under development. As you move the mouse over the price ladder or scroll the ladder using the mouse wheel, ChartTradingDOM highlighs the DOM price level in the chart making it easy to place orders a prices of interest depicted in the chart by various indicators. Further, the ChartTradingDOM enables the user to specify up the sixteen color coded price markers that appear in the ladder based on V# or C# variables computed or set in variable ways by the end user. The ChartTradingDOM may be used with the built in trading simulator or any brokerage destination (CQG, Gain/OEC, IB, Rithmic, Transact/Infinity).


Chart Trading DOM

Keyboard Adjustment

Mousewheel while hovering mouse pointer in the DOM area - Scrolls the DOM ladder up and down.
Mouse Wheel while over Quantity field - Adjust the Trade Quantity.
Right click the DOM outside of the ladder - Popup Menu with options  DOM Preferences, Portfolio, Order Desk, Order Status and Trading Results windows.
Click center icon at the bottom of the DOM - Centers the price ladder on the current price (also available as an RTX Button Event)
Click the Portfolio name at the bottom right - Opens the active Portfolio.

RTX Events Supported by the Button Indicator to adjust ChartTradingDOM Appearance. With ChartTradingDOM present in a chart, right-click in the chart and choose Add Button. Set the button Purpose to RTX Event and choose one the following event names:

  1. "Width Full"
  2. "Width Slim"
  3. "Width Compact"
  4. "Text Small"
  5. "Text Medium"
  6. "Text Large"
  7. "Light Theme"
  8. "Medium Theme"
  9. "Dark Theme"
  10. "Center DOM"

Chart Trading DOM Prefs

  • Request Confirmation for Buy/Sell Orders - Check this box if you want an additional message window to prompt for an Order Confirmation on each trade placed.
  • Enable Mousewheel to adjust Trade Quantity - Enables changing of the Quantity field with the mousewheel when hovering over the Quantity field.
  • Enable Shift+Click to submit Buy/Sell Limit Orders - By default, clicks outside of the market will place Stop Limit orders. Check this box if you also want to enable the ability to hold the Shift key down to place a Limit order as opposed to a Stop Limit.
  • Highlight price cells that are off the Chart Scale - Shades the price column for prices not visible on the chart.
  • On Hover over DOM prices: - Select whether you'd like a horizontal Price Highlighter shown across the whole chart or just the scale, when hovering over a particular price in the DOM. Highlight colors are automatically set to red for Sell or green for Buy.
  • Set DOM hover price Into: - Optionally set three prices (Hover price, Highest and Lowest displayed prices on the DOM ladder)into C# Variables for advanced use.
  • Number of DOM price Markers - Optionally enable a desired Quantity of V# variables that, when set with values, can display markers on the DOM for those values.
  • Auto Center Trigger % - When current trade price moves this percentage away from the center of the price ladder, the ChartTradingDOM will automatically center the DOM. Mouse movements inside the price ladder will suspend auto centering for several seconds to enable the trader to position the mouse before clicking a price in the ladder.
  • Customize DOM size - Optional sizing options.
ChartTradingSample (@ES#)
ChartTradingDOM Sample Chart with Bollinger Bands and DOM Buttons

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ChartTradingDOM Version 6
ChartTradingDOM Version 6

This video introduces ChartTradingDOM 6.0

Version 6 of the Investor/RT ChartTradingDOM...

ChartTradingDOM (RTX)
ChartTradingDOM (RTX)

ChartTradingDOM an RTX extension available to all Investor/RT subscribers. To invoke the DOM,...
