How To Delete Symbols

In general it is good to do periodic housekeeping to delete ticker symbols that you are no longer trading/tracking, or any invalid symbols you may have setup. There are a number of ways to delete individual symbols or a group of symbols in Investor/RT:

  1. Using the Instrument Setup window. Press Alt+A to open this setup window, specify a ticker symbol and click the trash can icon at the left side of the window.
  2. Using a Quotepage. Open any quotepage, select the symbol by clicking on the ticker symbol cell. Click the trash can icon in the quotepage toolbar to remove the selected row's symbol. To delete all the symbols in a particular quotepage, first click on the ticker symbol column heading so that no particular row in the page is selected. The trash can will then apply to all symbols in that page. There is a quotepage named ".Invalids" that lists all symbols are the data source feed does not recognize. Open this quotepage and use this method to delete them all with one click.
  3. Use the Object Manager. You can easily use the Object Manager to delete multiple symbols at once. Use File > Open > Object Manager (Alt+O is the shortcut, O as in Object). In the Object Manager, select Instrument or select a particular type (futures, index, stocks, etc) to see a list of those symbols. You can then click to select an instrument and shift click to extend the selection to a series of adjacent symbols, or Ctrl+click to select additional non-adjacent symbols, then click Delete to delete them all. There is also a Select All button, Thus you can select all and then click Delete  to remove all instruments or all instruments of the security type selected.
  4. Using an RTL Scan. RTL scans can scan all symbols for those with certain properties and produce a quotepage listing those that match your criteria. The resulting quotepage of symbol can then be deleted in bulk using the method #2 above. To create a scan, use the Object Manager, or do File > Open > RTL Object and select Scan at the top of the window. Enter your search criteria, e.g. CL < 5 will find all symbols with a last trade price under $5 and produce a quotepage of them.