Exporting and importing Charts

Quickly create a text file that will gather all information of a chart definition so that you can share it with any other user

Here are four ways to create and share a Chart Definition:

  1. Right click the Chart and choose Save > Definition. Investor/RT will prompt you to save the chart definition as a text file with a name and location of your choice.
  2. In case you want to export multiple charts in a single file, select the Charts menu under the Object Manager, select one or more charts and click Export
  3. Right-click the Chart and choose Copy to Clipboard > Chart Definition. You may then paste the text with Ctrl+V into another instance of Investor/RT or into an email for example.
  4. Right click the Chart and choose Share Chart... > LinnSoft ChartShare (Ctrl L shortcut). In the ensuing window, check Include Definition and click Share. Read more about Linnsoft ChartShare

Here are three ways to import a Chart Definition, including any shared chart definition that has been made available on this website

  1. Go to File > Open > Definition and Browse the text file's location with the saved Chart Definition and open it.
  2. Copy the contents of the Chart Definition text file to your Clipboard and then go to File > Open > Definition or Ctrl+V to paste and the chart will open.
  3. Drag a text file and drop it into any Investor/RT window.

Visit any chart on this site and click the Copy button to copy the definition to your clipboard, then from Investor/RT, Ctrl+V to paste and the chart will open.

Note : Using the Object Manager export feature, you are able to create (and share) a text file not only for a given chart (or group of charts) definition, but for any kind of InvestorRT object (Custom indicator, QuotePage, Signal, Trading System, etc)