What is the "QuotePage Browser"?

A tool called the QuotePage Browser has been added to the MS Windows version of Investor/RT. The browser window presents lists of quotepages (System Quotepages, User Quotepages, Recent QuotePages) and the instrument ticker symbols for each quotepage. User-defined quotepage groups and subgroups are also shown in an indented outline format. Any group can be expanded or collapsed by double-clicking on its name. Group names will have "..." appended to the name to indicate that the group can be expanded to show its members (quotepages and/or subgroups). Double-clicking on an instrument causes that instrument to be charted just as if the double-click had occurred on that ticker in a quotepage. See Setup: Preferences: Charts: General. The "When double-clicking..." option controls how double-clicks on instruments in the quotepage browser window are handled. At present a single click on a symbol does not invoke any action other than establishing that symbol as the selected item within the browser window. From there the arrow keys can be used as described below to move up or down the list of symbols. When moving through symbols with the arrow keys, Investor/RT will perform the double-click action for each target symbol.

To open the browser window, click the "+" button at the upper right corner of any quotepage and choose "Browse...". The browser window will open showing three built-in groups of quotepages along with any user-defined groups of type "QuotePage". The group hierarchy can be navigated using the keyboard; up/down arrow keys move up and down the current list. Right-arrow will expand the current item, left arrow will contract the current item. Striking character keys will cause the selection to advance to the next item whose name begins with that character. Moving to a ticker symbol with the up/down arrow keys or character keys causes the charting action to be performed (just like double-clicking).

The browser tool is implemented using the MS Windows standard "tree viewer" control; it operates in a fashion similar to the folder navigation dialog (Choose a Folder...). This tool will be especially useful to users with hundreds of quotepages organized in a hierarchical fashion using the "groups" feature of Investor/RT. The browser makes it easy to find a "group" and view a list of subgroups, each subgroup having several quotepages for example. The instruments in a particular quotepage can then be listed and quickly charted by navigating through the symbol list with the arrow keys. Groups and subgroups may be "nested" to any extent the user desires.

QuotePage Browser Additions

The QuotePage Browser is supported on the Macintosh OS X Version of Investor/RT. The browser presents a hierarchical view of groups of quotepages and the instruments within each quotepage. Selecting (clicking on) an instrument causes it to be charted, the same effect you get when double-clicking a ticker in a quotepage. The power of this tool is that every user defined "group" of quotepages, including subgroups to any degree of nesting, can be easily navigated with a simple user interface. Quotepages or Groups can be expanded or collapsed by clicking the "disclosure triangle" to the left of the quotepage name or group name. You can use the up, down, left, and right arrow keys on the keyboard to similarly navigate the heirarchy of quotepage groups. Top level groups include System Quotepages, User Quotepages, and Recent Quotepages, plus any user-defined quotepage groups and their subgroups.

Opening the QuotePage Browser

The QuotePage Browser can be opened in a variety of new ways. The QP button on the main toolbar brings up a popup (contextual) menu that includes a menu item "Browse QuotePages...". The Open: QuotePage menu also has this menu item. Further, "Open: QuotePage Browser" is now a choice in the keyboard shortcut setup window. Thus you can assign a Function Key to open the browser, and you can create a chart button to open the browser by having the chart button invoke the keyboard shortcut. The browser is also available from any open quotepage by clicking the "+" button in its upper right corner. The contextual menu has an item titled "Browse..." for opening the quotepage browser.