Where is my Historical Data?

Try a Full Download

Right click the chart and choose Download Data > Full Data.

Is DTN Market Access added to your account?

If you get your real time data from your Brokerage account and your chart is missing Historical Data, first, check to make sure that you have DTN Market Access Historical Data service added to your account by going to File > License. If you do, you will see DTNMA printed inside of the green text string that appears on the license window. If you don't see that, you'll need to add it by logging in to our site. Then go to the Subscriptions Tab and click the Manage Subscription button to add it.

Is the DTNMA symbol alias missing or incorrect?

Press Alt-A to open the Instrument Setup Window and check the field at the bottom of that window labeled DTN Symbol. Make sure that it contains the correct DTN Symbol. Here is a short list of common symbols:

Description DTNMA Symbol
S & P Emini @ES#
Nasdaq Emini @NQ#
Gold QGC#
Crude Oil QCL#
Russell 2000 Emini @TFS#
US Dollar @DX#
Euro Futures @EU#
Japanese Yen Futures @JY#
Canadian Dollar Futures @CD#
British Pound Futures @BP#
Australian Dollar Futures @AD#
10 Year Treasury Note @TY#
30 Year Treasury Bond @US#
DAX Futures XG#
Nikkei Futures NK#