How to manage your account

In order to get the best experience using our site, we encourage you to spend a moment to edit your account profile on our website. Simply login and from your account page, click on the Edit tab. Among other things, you can edit all of your data, change your username or password, email and choose your timezone so that all times on the site are accurate based on your location.

You can view or edit your account data and settings at any time. If you forgot your password or ever get locked out of the site for too many failed login attempts, you can always click the Reset Password link in order to receive a one-time login link via email.

Here are some common things you may want to change

How to set up your email preferences.

Please take a moment to adjust what types of email you would like to receive from us, or none at all. You may receive different types of emails from Linn Software according to your settings:

  • Email newsletter and announcements of new features and versions of Investor/RT. "Mailing List" (all registered users)
  • Email receipts of payments you make for products or services. (subscribers only)
  • Email notifications when new content is posted on pages you choose to follow. (subscribers only)
  • Contact from other subscribers in our Forum section (subscribers only) - Note that your email address is never visible in this case.

You have full control to manage these email options and all of your account data at any time. Simply login and from your account page, click on the Edit tab to set your preferences using the appropriate checkboxes.

At any time, and on any email you receive from us, you can easily opt-out for that particular email type. (note the 4 types above) To have your email address removed, simply click the "Opt Out" link at the bottom of the email. This method will only remove you from one of the above types of email, so it is always better to use the above method to change all settings at once.

How to edit or delete your content or comments.

If you have posted any content or comments or shared charts from Investor/RT to our website, you can also edit or delete this content. If you have used Linnsoft ChartShare, you can also make your charts private and visible only to you and site administrators.

To find a list of comments you made on this site, from your account page, click on the Comments tab.

To find a list of charts you have posted from Investor/RT, from your account page, click on the Charts tab.

To find a list of other content you have created, from your account page, click on the Posts tab.

How to delete your account.

If you would like to delete your account entirely (along with any content you may have posted to our site), open a support ticket or email us with the subject line 'Delete my account'. By deleting your account, any data we have on you will be removed from our servers.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions or require any further assistance, contact us


I am thinking of adding DTN Market Access to my account. I see it costs $15 a month. If I add it, what else is necessary to make it work? My brokerage account is at AMP Trading.