Installing on a Solid State Drive (or any secondary drive)

This article assumes you already have Investor/RT successfully installed on your computers main drive (for most users, this is the C:Drive). If this is not the case, and you are installing for the first time, install Investor/RT as you normally would (allowing it to install in its default location on the C:Drive). Then launch Investor/RT for the first time to initialize the  Database. Then File > Exit. With Investor/RT not running, follow these instructions:


  1. Use Windows File Explorer to view the Investor/RT Working Directory at C:\Users\YourUserName\InvestorRT. Move that entire directory (the InvestorRT folder) to your new Drive (for example F:\InvestorRT).
  2. Right-click on the Desktop and choose New > Text Document. A file icon will appear on your desktop. Name the new file configure. Right-click on the configure file icon and choose Properties. Double check that the file's name is configure and the Type of file is "TXT File (.txt)" in the Properties window.
  3. Double-click on the configure file icon to open it in a text editor, e.g. Notepad. Insert the following text as a single line into the file:  WorkingDirectoryName=F:\InvestorRT
  4. Save the file.
  5. Drag the configure file to C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\InvestRT\Admin. Respond affirmatively if prompted by Windows.

Start Investor/RT to confirm you have successfully relocated the working directory. Press Alt-U to open the Database Wizard and look at the DataBase and Backup locations at the top of the wizard window to confirm they both show the correct path to the relocated InvestorRT folder.

Another alternative is to install a second instance of Investor/RT onto your SSD drive. Watch the video Running Multiple Instances of Investor/RT (6 minutes) for details. An advantage of this method is that not only the Investor/RT working directory but also the installed software itself resides inside the working directory (not in Program Files).

Steps 2-5 above can be accomplished differently in RT 13 and higher by simply editing a text file in your user folder.

  • Locate and edit the file userpath.txt in your user folder C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Linnsoft\userpath.txt. The userpath.txt file contains the path to the InvestorRT working directory. Edit the path to point to your SSD drive folder instead, e.g. F:\InvestorRT
  • Startup Investor/RT and press Alt+U to confirm that the database location is F:\InvestorRT\db (for RT 14 users), or F:\InvestorRT\data_f (for RT 13 users).