Shape Indicator

The Shape indicator is a drawing tool indicator with a button on the chart toolbar to faciliate drawing shapes at the desired location in the chart. The button depicts a red square and a blue circle. Click the toolbar button to activate the drawing tool; the cursor will change to a pencil. Drag a rectangle encompassing the region where the Shape is to be drawn. Once the Shape is in place, it can be moved by dragging the small dot which is either in the center, or lower left corner of the shape (depending on whether Center on Coordinates is checked in the Shape preferences).

It is recommended that you edit the Shape indicator preferences to set the combination of settings you would use most often. To open the preferences for the Shape, double-click on the small dot on the Shape indicator. Some may prefer a rectangle while others prefer a square. Some like blue repeating rectangles while others just want a single green ellipse. Once you have set the desired preferences, you can make this your default setting. In the preference window, choose “Presets: Make Default”. Now, each time you use the toolbar to add a Shape to your chart, the shape will inherit these default settings.

The Shape indicator is a flexible tool that allows repeating, concentric, and/or standalone shapes to be drawn in price and time throughout the chart. A base shape is positioned based on a set of price and date/time coordinates. These coordinates dictate the lower left corner or center of the base shape. The size of the shape is dictated by the height and width parameters. Height is given in units of dollars, while width uses units of bars. The base shape can be repeated continuously throughout the chart by checking the "repeating" checkbox. The repeating shapes can be spaced both vertically and horizontally. The spacing is dictated by the Vertical Spacing and Horizontal Spacing parameters in the preferences. Again, vertical space uses units of dollars while horizontal space uses units of bars. A spacing of 0 will compact the shapes side by side so that they touch.

Concentric multiples of the base shape and repeated shapes may also be drawn. To do this, check the "Concentric Multiples" checkbox, and specify the multiples which you would like drawn. The multiples may be separated with either a comma or a space. (eg. 0.5, 2, 3). A concentric multiple of 0.5 will result in a shape being drawn with half the width and height of the base shape. Similarly, a concentric multiple of 2 would result in a shape being drawn with double the width of the original shape. As their name implies, the concentric multiple shapes will share the same center point as the base shape.

If the Shape indicator is setup with the "repeating" checkbox checked, then the base shape will stand out with a slightly bolder line than the other shapes. If the "Center on Coordinates" checkbox is unchecked, the lower left corner of the base shape will be marked with a small circle, representing the price and time coordinates on which the Shape indicator is based, otherwise, the center of the base shape will be marked with a circle.

The Shape indicator was formerly called PriceTime Cycles.


Above is a Daily Chart of Microsoft (MSFT).  Two instance of the Shape indicator can be seen in the chart, in purple and green.

Shape Prefs

  • Draw Shape(s) - Check the shapes you would like drawn.  Choices include Ellipse, Rectangle, and X.

  • Repeating - Check this option if you would like your shape repeated throughout the chart window.  The identical shape will be duplicated using the horizontal and vertical spacing option.

  • Solid - If this option is checked, the shape(s) will be filled in with the shape color.

  • Center on Coordinates - If this option is checked, the base shape will be drawn centered around the coordinates supplied. If this option is unchecked, the base shapes lower left corner will be anchored on the coordinates.

  • Label - This option is only valid when the pattern is repeating.  If this option is checked, each shape will be labeled with X, Y coordinates relative to the base shape.  For instance, the shape just to the left of the base shape will be labeled (-1, 0) while the shape two positions above the base shape will be labeled (0, 2).

  • Price - Price at which to draw the base shape.  If "Center on Coordinates" is checked, this price will dictate the vertical center of the base shape, otherwise, it will dictate the price of the lower edge of the base shape.

  • Date/Time - Date/Time at which to draw the base shape.  If "Center on Coordinates" is checked, this date/time will dictate the horizontal center of the base shape, otherwise, it will dictate the price/time of the left edge of the base shape.

  • Color - Color, style, and thickness of the shape lines.

  • Height - Height, in dollars, of the shape(s).

  • Width - Width, in bars, of the shape(s).

  • Vertical Spacing - Space vertically, in dollars, between the repeating shapes.  This option only applies when the "repeating" checkbox is checked.

  • Horizontal Spacing - Space horizontally, in bars, between the repeating shapes.  This option only applies when the "repeating" checkbox is checked..

  • Concentric Multiples - If this option is checked, the use may specify comma separated values in the field to the right.  These values will be used to draw shapes sharing the same center, but heights and widths will be multiplied by the values specified.  For instance, a value of 2 will result it an additional concentric shape with twice the height and width of the base shape, while a value of 0.5 will result in an additional concentric shape with half the height and width of the base shape.

  • Vertical Step - This option allows the user to specify the vertical step that will be used when adjusting the Shape indicator using the up and down arrows on the keyboard, as described below.  This vertical step will be used for adjusting the height, position, and vertical spacing.  If a value is not specified here, then Investor/RT will determine it's own step based on the price range in the chart.

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